Daren Bossenberger

Ambient Learning: Environments that Educate

Can your building play a role in the education of those who walk through its doors? We believe so – it’s called ambient learning. Progressive educators recognize that the learning process should not be limited to the classroom and the exchange between teachers and students. In fact, according to a 2013 Gallup State of America’s […]

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What Not To Say In Your Reception Area

I have a confession to make. While over the years we’ve brought hundreds of company names to reception area walls in some very creative ways, I don’t think its the most important thing to say to the people that walk through your front doors. There, I said it. Allow me to explain… Your building and

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The Power of Paint: More Bang for Your $

At Ideation Orange we love to help our clients get more bang for their buck. One way we do this is with what we call the Power of Paint. Our clients often call on us to help them re-imagine the exterior of their buildings. It could be a dentist that acquired an older practice. It

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Graphic Solutions for Glass Wall Concerns

Glass is being used extensively in today’s modern offices. Glass seems to be the wall of choice for conference rooms, huddle rooms and private offices.  It’s popularity is understandable – it’s beautiful, lets in more natural light, promotes a feeling of transparency and openness. And yet those are some of the very same reason why

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